Clean Burn Waste Oil Furnaces

Main Office (Sioux Falls) 605-543-5817

Story City, IA Office 515-733-2089

Click to call Master Burn Sioux Falls Click to call Master Burn Story City

Boost Your Bottom Line with Clean Burn Boost Your Bottom Line with Clean Burn If your business generates as little as 500 gallons of waste oil per year, a Clean Burn Furnace makes sense.  A Clean Burn furnace will burn used crankcase oil (including synthetics), transmission fluid and hydraulic fluid.  It can also be fired by #2, #4 & #5 heating oils, making it extremely versatile.

What Kind Of Businesses Can Recycle Used Oil

Car dealers, lube and repair shops, agricultural businesses, construction companies, trucking companies, any business that generates used oil.  It makes good business sense for businesses with even a small fleet of just 10-15 vehicles.

A Clean Burn Furnace Turns a Profit in Less than Two Years

At present gas and electric prices, your Clean Burn furnace will likely pay for itself somewhere in the second year of operation.  With fuel prices continually rising, your investment will earn more and more as time goes on.  Just two gallons of waste oil contain the same amount energy as the electicity used in an average American home every day.

Considering that most businesses are paying to have that waste oil hauled away, and its easy to see how recycling it yourself into free heat is a smart idea.

recycling-waste-oil-is-good-for-your-bottom-lineWant Hard Numbers?  Call Master Burn

We'll come to your business, look at your building, your energy bills and your waste oil recycling opportunities.  Then we'll come up with a plan to help you save energy costs through recycling your waste oil.

Get Started Now

Call Master Burn at 605-543-5817 to find out how to get free heat when you recycle waste oil with a Clean Burn furnace.

Prices and specifications are subject to change.  Not responsible for errors, omissions, and changes. Please call us for clarifications.